=Smooth= 6:1 (Paint:Catalyst) 25-33% reducer (consistency of 2% to whole milk) Example: 60 grams paint 10 grams catalyst 115-125 grams total with reducer added Spray at higher pressure with smaller drps of paint. 40 PSI =Textured= 6:1 (Paint:Catalyst) 0-20% reducer (consistency of half n half or even thicker depending on conditions (temperature) and desired texture. Example: 60 grams paint 10 grams catalyst 0 - 40 grams reducer 110 grams total Spray at lower pressure for larger drops of paint. Hold further away to get desired texture. 20-30 PSI Spray higher pressure to get smaller drops (finer texture) holding further away then you did for smooth coat. 40 - 60 PSI Here's the deal you really have to play the texture by ear, especially when you spray in hotter conditions the hotter you go, the less reducer... sometimes no reducer is appropriate. I've sprayed on like 85 degree and hotter days and if you use more than a capful of reducer you're fucked for texture and will cause the paint to just flow out smooth.